HENNEQUIN, Les Amours au phalanstère, 1847
Les Amours au phalanstère.
Paris, A la librairie phalanstérienne, 1847.
12mo (139x85 mm), 64 pages. binding : Contemporary quarter sheep, flat spine. Binding rubbed.

First edition.
Exposition of Fourier's ideas and theories dealing with love and the regulation and organization of relations between the sexes in the Phalanstery. Each being in one of the roles defined by Fourier: the chaste Vestals, the Damsels, the Angels and the Fairies (experts in love), ... Hennequin with Fourier considers that adultery and prostitution are invariants of human societies and must therefore be organized.
Hennequin's work is bound in the penultimate position with four other Fourierist brochures:
GUEPIN. Traité d'économie sociale. Paris, sn, 1835. 108 pages.
- [Anonymous]. Catéchisme de Fourier ou Fourier réfuté par lui-même. Paris, Maison, 1841. (8)-98-(2) pages.
- Le Sept Avril. Banquets commémoratifs de la naissance de Charles Fourier - Années 1843 et 1844. Paris, À la librairie sociétaire, 1844. 36 pages.
- PELISSIER. Choix de Poésies d'un Sourd-Muet. Paris, Rue St-Jacques, sd. 72 pages.
references: Del Bo [p. 18, 30].
Price : 800 €